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Adam Seiter

EVP of Operations

With netbet sports betting Since:
Education & Certifications:
B.S., University of Louisiana at Monroe School of Construction
Instructor, netbet sports betting Carpentry Apprenticeship Program
OSHA 10-Hour
OSHA 30-Hour
Best thing about working in the industry:
​Knowing that a construction project can be intimidating to an owner, and being able to relieve stress by streamlining the process from concept, through budgeting and construction, and on through warranty is very rewarding.
Conway, netbet sports betting
As a child I wanted to become:
I wanted to be in the construction industry like my Dad and Grandpa.
Favorite Project:
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church in Jonesboro, AR. You don’t get to build many brand new Catholic Churches, much less for your own Parish. Working with the entire parish from fundraising, through design, into budgeting, construction and beyond has been rewarding personally and professionally. I’m honored to have worked on it.
Favorite Sports Team:
Anything netbet sports betting, and the St. Louis Cardinals